About Emar
Tera electronics have continued to serve to our customer with more than 22 years experience.
It has come to thisposition by completing the missing part of the sector with the successful progress that has been shown in sector. Tera electronics which has adopted the concept of difference with the brands it has been established, contuines to serve with its innovative, high quality stance and experienced staff in the sector, aiming to move to a more ambitious position and to move forward the previous postion inevery lane. It has taken the responsibility to move the sector forward with its quality and reliable position and raised the target pitch for the next step by supporting the voice, project, electronics, security, electrical and engineering companies found in the dealer channels.
What we have in our STI, MITO, BEKRL, YAMAHA AUDİO FOCUS, NEXO, MAG, MARCONI, DİSCO, STARAY and US brands with more than 2500 products in the sector is serving. TERA ELECTRONİCS has given a new dimension to the service understanding in the sector with equipped technical service. It points out the privileged position in sector with special projects. It assists the customers in installation, technical staff, projecting and commissioning issues.
How Find Us
Phone: +90 312 495 21 11
Mail: info@emar-evac.com